Vocabulary Expansion #1

As mentioned in my previous post, I am attempting to build up both my English and Japanese vocabulary by pulling out words I come across whilst reading.

The following words are just a couple that I have highlighted in The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma so far.


  1. marked by the expression of great or excessive emotion or enthusiasm
  2. archaic : pouring freely
  3. characterised or formed by a nonexplosive outpouring of lava

溢れんばかり 「あふれんばかり」



  1. a sudden violent wind often with rain or snow
  2. a short-lived commotion

突風 「とっぷう」 : 急風 「きゅうふう」


  1. felt in or as if in the internal organs of the body
  2. not intellectual
  3. dealing with crude or elemental emotions
  4. of, relating to, or located among the viscera

生理的 「せいりてき」

Viscera: an internal organ of the body; especially one located in the great cavity of the trunk proper

臓器 「ぞうき」 : 内臓 「ないぞう」

The Japanese translations I have provided only cover direct translations of the vocabulary that I was able to find – not all meanings of the English may be encompassed in the Japanese words.

As mentioned above, these 3 words are just a sample of the vocabulary I was unsure of in the text. As I progress through the book I will pull out some more words to look at as I have done above. In the future I may also consider including example sentences in both English and Japanese.


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