Translations from Japanese: A Comparison

As part of my self-study in translation I was interested in how texts have been translated to several target languages. To best look at this, on this occasion I have chosen to look at the works of Haruki Murakami, and I will primarily be looking at translations from Japanese into English and Italian.

NB: I understand that there are elements of personal choice on the side of the translator, and also language constraints which explain why texts have been translated in such ways. This post is a high-level approach to translation analysis and represents only the musings and opinions of this budding translator.

The first text I looked at was ノルウェーの森 (Norwegian Wood in English).

I own this novel in both my target languages (English and Italian), as well as my source language. The English version was translated by Jay Rubin, and the Italian by Giorgio Amitrano.

For those of you who are not familiar with the story of ノルウェーの森, the title has been taken from the Beatles song by the same name. My Italian copy is also entitled Norwegian Wood, however the novel has also been published in Italy as Tokyo Blues. A quick look on Wikipedia shows that in many languages the title is a version of either Norwegian Wood or Tokyo Blues, with the exception of French where the title has been translated as La Ballade de L’impossible.


After looking at the title I was interested in how the names of the characters had been translated.

In Japanese the names are as follows: トオル、直子、緑.

As expected, the names in English and Italian are simply romanisations of the originals. However, a difference must be noted on how the long vowel in トオル is dealt with. The English translation is Toru, and it can be seen that the long vowel has been ignored. In Italian the name of the protagonist is Tōru with the macron diacritical mark (part of Hepburn romanisation) indicating the long vowel. I hope to look at Hepburn Romanisation more closely in a future post.


In this initial analysis the final thing I wanted to look at was the first sentence of the first chapter in each version of the novel.


English: I was 37 then, strapped in my seat as the huge 747 plunged through dense cloud cover on approach to Hamburg airport.

Italian: Avevo trentasette anni, ed ero seduto a bordo di un Boeing 747.

It is clear that, in this case, the Italian is closer to being a ‘word for word’ translation. The English is in fact a combination of the first 2 sentences. This shows the literary freedom a translator may have when translating. Note that in the English the word Boeing has also been omitted, possibly because 747 is sufficient to portray what type of plane the protagonist is sat on.

For a further comparison I also looked at the first sentence in another of Murakami’s novels ねじまき鳥クロニクル (The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle / L’uccello che girava le viti del mondo).


English: When the phone rang I was in the kitchen, boiling a potful of spaghetti and whistling along to an FM broadcast of the overture to Rossini’s The Thieving Magpie, which has to be the perfect music for cooking pasta.

Italian: Avevo la pasta sul fuoco in cucina, quando squillò il telefono.

Obviously yet again the English is longer as it is the combination of more than one original sentence. The Italian is also on this occasion almost the same as the Japanese.


This is where I stop for this post. I was just looking to note down my initial thoughts after looking at these novels. Hopefully in the future I will be able to update on anything else I notice. Please let me know if there is anything in particular you think I should look at!



Reading: Book #3

The third instalment of my reading journey will be Desire by Haruki Murakami. I wasn’t able to wait much longer before adding a Murakami to my list – next to Stephen King he is most certainly my favourite author. Desire is a selection of short stories chosen from Murakami’s larger volumes of short stories, such as The Elephant Vanishes.

I have not yet decided whether I will post vocabulary updates for each of the stories, or for the book as a whole. We’ll have to wait and see! Given my love of Murakami, I doubt it will take me long to devour this book. See you soon!

Vocabulary Expansion #3

Another vocabulary post so soon? I thought that the words looked at yesterday in my Mr Mercedes post were a little lacking… so here you go! Many medical terms and advanced vocabulary to help us expand both our English and Japanese lexicon. As obvious from the image, these words have been chosen from the first book on my reading list: The Body Keeps the Score. At the end of the post you will also see a few acronyms, what they stand for, and how they are translated.



  1. A departure from what is normal, usual, or expected, typically an unwelcome one.
  2. Biology A characteristic that deviates from the normal type.
  3. Optics The failure of rays to converge at one focus because of a defect in a lens or mirror.
  4. Astronomy The apparent displacement of a celestial object from its true position, caused by the relative motion of the observer and the object.

異常 (いじょう)

収差 (しゅうさ)

光行差 (こうこうさ)


  1. A mode of behaviour or way of thought peculiar to an individual.
  2. A distinctive or peculiar feature or characteristic of a place or thing.
  3. Medicine An abnormal physical reaction by an individual to a food or drug.

特色 (とくしょく)

特異室 (とくいしつ)


Also known as Noradrenaline

Biochemistry A hormone which is released by the adrenal medulla and by the sympathetic nerves and functions as a neurotransmitter. It is also used as a drug to raise blood pressure.




Biochemistry A compound present in blood platelets and serum, which constricts the blood vessels and acts as a neurotransmitter.


Frontal lobe

Each of the paired lobes of the brain lying immediately behind the forehead, including areas concerned with behaviour, learning, personality, and voluntary movement.

前頭葉 (ぜんとうよう)

Limbic System

A complex system of nerves and networks in the brain, involving several areas near the edge of the cortex concerned with instinct and mood. It controls the basic emotions (fear, pleasure, anger) and drives (hunger, sex, dominance, care of offspring).

大脳辺縁系 (だいのうへんえんけい)


Either of two masses of grey matter lying between the cerebral hemispheres on either side of the third ventricle, relaying sensory information and acting as a centre for pain perception.

視床 (ししょう)


A roughly almond-shaped mass of grey matter inside each cerebral hemisphere, involved with the experiencing of emotions.

扁桃体 (へんとうたい)


The elongated ridges on the floor of each lateral ventricle of the brain, thought to be the centre of emotion, memory, and the autonomic nervous system.

海馬状隆起 (かいばじょうりゅうき)



PET (Positron Emission Tomography)

ポジトロン断層法 (ポジトロンだんそうほう)

MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)

磁気共鳴画像 (じききょうめいがぞう)

ANS (Autonomic Nervous System)

自律神経系 (しりつしんけいけい


If there are any books you think I should read, or even any topic to focus on for vocabulary, let me know!


Vocabulary Expansion #2

It only took two days for me to start and finish Mr Mercedes by Stephen King. As expected it was so much of a page-turner that I was often too absorbed to note down any vocabulary. This post is not meant to be a review of the book (although if anyone is interested I’ll consider that!), and therefore there should be absolutely no spoilers.

Here I will look at the few words I actually noted down. Besides the first word, I am only providing a Japanese translation as I am already familiar with the meaning in English.


Lasting for a brief period of time




割増料金 (わりましりょうきん)


平屋・平家 (ひらや)




目出し帽 (めだしぼう)


霊柩車 (れいきゅうしゃ)




I hope this is as helpful for others as it is for me. In the future I’ll try not to get distracted and record more words! I will update soon on what book I’ll be looking at next.